Custom Fields


Sometimes, you may need additional fields beyond those provided by the platform. In the 'Settings' menu, you'll find the 'Custom Fields' tab. Here, you can add extra fields applicable to the Data Inventory, Processing Activities, and Legal Entities. This allows you to fully customise your TrustWorks environment to collect and display the specific information you need.

Where can you use the Custom fields?

Data Inventory

In the Data Inventory, under the 'Additional Information' tab, you'll find default fields to add URLs to documents like policies and agreements. However, you might need more information about sub-processors or details on how the tool is used. You can add that information by adding custom fields related to the Data Inventory.

Processing Activities

For Processing Activities, you might need to include fields from your existing Record of Processing Activities (RoPA) to ensure that no data is lost during import into TrustWorks.

You will find them in the ‘Additional information’ tab when editing or creating a processing activity.

When creating a custom field, you can choose whether you want the field to be included in the RoPA export.

Legal Entity

You might need to include additional information for legal entities that isn't covered by the default fields. For example, you may want to add a short name, an internal code, or specify an activity type for the legal entity. Creating custom fields allows you to capture this extra information. These custom fields will appear under the 'Additional Information' tab when you're creating or editing a legal entity.


Custom fields can also be utilised in surveys, helping you streamline them to always include the necessary questions. Information added in the 'Custom Attributes' section of the survey will be updated in the processing activity or data repository associated with the survey.

How to create a custom field

Basic setup

  1. Click on ‘+ New Custom Field’ and a pop-up will appear.

  2. Enter the name you want to give the custom field
  3. Then select the type of field you want:
    • Number
    • Selection list:
    • Text
    • URL (link)
  4. Now select the related entity you want this field to be available for: Data Inventory, Processing Activities, or Legal Entity. Note that this cannot be changed once the field is created.
  5. Decide if the field is active (enabled by default).
  6. For processing activities, choose if the field should be available in the RoPA export.
  7. Optionally, add a description. If provided, it will appear in the information tooltip next to the field name.

You can edit or delete a custom field from the list of custom fields at any time. Please note that if you delete a custom field from the Settings menu, all data entered in that field since its creation will also be deleted.

Types of Custom Fields


Use this field for information that requires a numerical answer. For example, specifying how many users have access to a data inventory.

Selection list

Here you can add options to appear in a drop-down field. 


Use this to add an open-ended field where users can input free-form text.

URL (link)

This field type allows you to include a link that can be opened directly from the field.


By utilising custom fields, you can tailor the TrustWorks environment to meet your specific needs, ensuring that all necessary information is captured and easily accessible. Whether you need to include additional details in your Data Inventory, Processing Activities, or Legal Entities, custom fields offer the flexibility to enhance your data management and maintain consistency with your existing records.

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