Microsoft Teams Integration - Create initiatives from Teams


If your organisation uses Microsoft Teams, you can integrate TrustWorks to create initiatives directly from Teams without leaving the Microsoft environment. This allows stakeholders to easily add initiatives when starting new projects, onboarding third-party tools, or initiating any relevant activities. With this integration, you'll gain better visibility into organizational actions that may impact your privacy program.

Step-by-Step setup guide

1. Navigate to the Settings > Integrations.

2. Click on '+ New Integration' and select 'Microsoft Teams'

  1. Name the integration and choose OAuth 2.0 as the authentication method.
  2. Now click on 'Connect with Microsoft Teams'

  1. Select the Microsoft account you want to use for the integration.

Creating an initiative from Microsoft Teams

  1. Once the integration is complete, open Microsoft Teams and go to My Apps > + Apps, then search for the TrustWorks app.

  1. Open the ‘TrustWorks-prod’ app. This will automatically open the form to create a new initiative:

  • Mandatory fields: Name, description, and initiative type.
  • Initiative type options: Choose from Business Process, Vendor Onboarding, Project, or Product Requirement.

Optional fields: You may also add a URL and upload files. Supported file types are PDF and DOCX.

  1. When you see the notification “Initiative created successfully!,” your initiative is now saved in TrustWorks.

The initiative is assigned to you if you’re an existing user in TrustWorks. If no matching user exists, the system will create a staging user.


  • Initiative Viewing: Users can only view and manage initiatives in the TrustWorks platform.
  • Notifications: Currently, no Teams notifications are sent when a new initiative is created.
  • Accessing Initiatives: To continue working on your initiatives, log in to the TrustWorks platform.

Read about how to manage and work with the initiatives in this document.


With this integration, you can seamlessly create initiatives in TrustWorks while working in Microsoft Teams—just like adding items to a to-do list, but with the added benefit of automatically creating an actionable initiative. This allows you to later access and manage these initiatives directly in TrustWorks without switching platforms.

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